The first time I heard about our weight management programme, especially the 9 day cleanse - even I was sceptical. I was absolutely floored by the amount of weight people were losing in just 9 days but also, I was a bit miffed - how the hell hadn't I heard about this back when I ridiculously did the dukan diet to fit into a dress I couldn't get into & only had 28 days to get into it! Talk about Panic! This was the first time that I ever did a media endorsed diet. Sorry - I don't believe in them, I think they are unhealthy, dangerous & waste of time & effort - that is my own personal opinion & regardless of the fact that YES I did lose the weight & I did fit into the dress, I felt AWFUL! I was low on energy, I wasn't feeling good about the fact that I had lost the weight because it had stripped me of any enthusiasm due to the fact it wasn't fun to follow & like EVERYONE else who follows these diets - the weight came back on. Argh! It makes me so angry when I see the "new craze, must try" diet flying around because a "celebrity" has done it so it MUST be good for us right? I mean, wake-up!
We all know that obesity is a problem, I won't go into that, but I feel that the other problem is people putting on weight, deciding they want to lose it, go on a crash diet & starve their bodies, lose a few pounds, feel great & then go out binge drinking & eating to celebrate then pile it all back on....repeat cycle! WHY?
I don't even like the word DIET - I don't use it, it should be a lifestyle change! When people say "I'm on a diet" I can already see the cyle above beginning.
Another peeve of mine is the fact that people will buy the cheapest form of weight-loss supplements & then wonder why, again - the weight never stayed off! Whenever I recommend our 9 day cleanse, most people have had a friend who have done it & gotten great results but for those who have never heard of it & just think I am trying to sell them something for my own gain, the sceptics, I pretty much put them into 2 catagories. Those that think it sounds great but still choose go ahead with cheaper products, half heartedly stick to the plan because they have a night out on the weekend where they will likely spend x3 the amount of what was spent on the products anyway. Two - those who are willing to spend a little more money on something that has real results because have seen and/or heard fantastic reviews, have been advised on how it works and have decided that they actually, would like to make a change to their health and will unlikely to have the rebound effect.
So why do I absolutely believe in & rave about our 9 day cleanse? Well, because it's not JUST for those that want to lose weight. It's a nutritional cleansing programme with the added benefit of weight-loss. If you have a lot of weight to lose, your going to lose it, if you don't - you aren't. I cannot deny the fact that the cleanse is mainly advertised for weight loss because it does have amazing result & 9/10 the majority are doing it with the intention of losing weight. However, we do have those that do it purely for the nutritional value of the programme and would like to give their bodies a overhaul & feel more energised. We have a lot of sports enthusiasts who do it to get their body back into peak performing mode whether they have had time off due to season end or are getting back into a new training routine. We also have those who do the cleanse because they may have a digestive complaint and want to give their system a flush. It's a product for everyone!
However, say goodbye to our Clean 9 & Nutrilean programme & say hello to our BRAND NEW being launched in the UK right now - Forever F.I.T programme!!! When I went to one of our training days recently, we had the Forever Nutritional advisor beam into us & omg, I have never ever heard a cleansing & weight management programme be explained in so much detail & enthusiasm that I just wanted to get out there, tell everyone the science behind it & more to the point - do it myself! I was actually blown away with the amount of detail that goes into putting these products together & it just confirmed to me even more why our products, I feel, are the absolute best out there - hands down! I have yet to come across 1 negative review on our cleanse or weight management, simply because nutritionally speaking - there is nothing better & you will find nothing better, it also put together but the absolute best in the nutritional world too! It's amazing & I know the rest of the Forever Family are really excited about it.
So the next time you are thinking about doing the latest diet, as yourself is it really worth going through all that for short term results. Is it not worth investing a little more in something that will feed your body rather than starve it for a short amount of time for a long term benefit? Third, if you are reading this in your lunch break at work... how much do you spend daily on your coffee food & snacks & then add that up over 9 days! You will be surprised...
For more information & questions you may have, please get in touch via my
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