Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Have more Courage

I thought this was the perfect subject to start with since I am bringing back the blog & the reason for that is quite apt because when I did my first video to put it out there that I am going to blog again about subjects & things I am passionate about - which by the way, I like to put things out there to make myself accountable.   It works for me! I've actually done a few videos as I do some short training clips for my team so I am o.k, not perfect, but o.k with sitting & talking into the camera & I am aware I have lots to learn, but that's part of the fun.  That day I had met a friend for lunch at the The Core Juice Bar & I had mentioned that I needed to do a quick film after & it HAD to be done today because it is
'International Woman's Day' & I like the surroundings.  By the time we had finished catching up, I had about 20 minutes to get this quick film done before I had to get back to the car in time for the ticket to go pick up my son from pre-school! "Plenty of time" I thought because I only want it to be a couple of minutes.

I felt completely fine with the idea, in fact I thought it was a brilliant Idea then all of a sudden the Core emptied leaving  just the owner, two staff cleaning around & myself! It was really quiet because there was no music so I suddenly felt this wave of panic come over me thinking "what the hell are you doing woman & why the hell did you think this was a good idea to do in a public place in the first place?"...and so the internal battle commences! 

I quickly started writing notes to calm my thoughts but I was more concerned with the guys walking around & hearing what I was saying so what I actually ended up doing was being sat there looking at this little note pad not actually reading anything but telling myself to just "bloody get on & do this video, time is running out, your going to be late for the car park & to get to preschool - just do it & do it now" then of course my other little voice piped up & if you can imagine this other bitchy, sarcastic little she devil on my shoulder that looks just like me, filing her nails, shaking her head telling me "yeah go for it, you won't at all look like an idiot & who do you think you are anyway - Oprah?"

So of course, bitchy sarcastic me won so I packed my things away but my coat on & started to leave then suddenly I thought - "HELL NO, you are doing this, what's the worst that can happen? They hear me speaking wondering who I'm talking to, notice I'm filming then get back on with their work? It's 2 minutes out of your WHOLE LIFE - just do it!"

I actually went back & forth like this putting my coat on 2 more times until I finally plucked up the courage to and did it" Yes I was a about 5 minutes late to collect my car but that was fine, on time collecting my son - double fine & I did the video! I felt AWESOME!

Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we care SO much what other people think? Why do we invest so much time in trying to seek approval from the stranger in Starbucks rather than just feeling more at peace with who we are & choosing to self love first?

My latest obsession & who I am currently learning loads from is Dr Brene Brown, this lady is awesome, her TED Talk has over 4 million views & it's just absolutely brilliant - I feel like I am close to pretty much having watched all the videos I can find on her on youtube already - some more than once, including the TED talk... She's that great!  I am off on my hols very soon & I have ordered here book - 'Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead' for my holiday read (having said that, this is my first holiday with a 3 yr old - I'm not exactly sure how much reading I will actually get done - but I do like to read at least 10 pages of a good book each day - so, here's hoping).  I know it's going to be life changer for me & I actually already cannot wait to get her other books.  I will no doubt be talking more on the best bits from the book to share with you,

One of the things (& why I wanted to write this specific blog) that I love that she shared is what 'courage' actually means.  Courage comes from the latin word Cour - which means Heart "to speak ones mind by telling all one's heart" - I absolutely loved that & it really struck a cord with me because, to live wholeheartedly & be authentic you!

The past 6 years of my life have been a real journey of REALLY understanding who I am as a person & I am learning, growing & becoming more comfortable with who I am every single day.  Meeting my therapist at 25 (I really do think I had a "quarter life crisis") was what set me off on a whole new path that I am still wondering down, she completely changed my life... but that's a whole other blog for a whole other day!

So what have you been putting off, burying, telling yourself - "I will do it later" that you could pluck up the courage to do a live a little more wholehearted & feel absolutely epic after? Which you will & then do me a favour & see if this little test works, once you have plucked up the courage to do the thing that you have been putting off doing & then you get the buzz after you have done it.... do something else, keep acting on that excitement & I guarantee you will finish the day on a whole other level than you anticipated.

A couple of action steps to immediately help overcome that shitty little voice in your head.

1.  Write down your negative thoughts; This totally helps for me.  If I write it down, I find it stops me taking the scenic route around "pittysville" which ultimately leaves me feeling exhausted.  I find it also just empties my head - it's a bit like a 'brain dump' & once it's written down, I instantly feel lighter & when I read it I can see that actually, there is no concrete evidence to back up what I've been telling myself which then makes me feel a lot better about myself.

2. This is a new one I've been practicing & it totally works - I think it's genius.  Again something I have learnt from Brene Brown so once "that" voice starts chirping up in your head, knock it back down by simply saying "I hear you, I get it, but I'm doing it anyway - thanks!"....Try it!

Let me know.  Excited to hear what you did & how it went.

Hope you took something of value, Lianna x

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Bringing the Blog Back

Well, I have revived the blogging again.  I have been talking about it for a while & working on the kind of content I want to have in this blog & what I want to do with it so I hope you enjoy what I share.

I'm nervous but excited about sharing my new content with you, It's a work in progress - bit like myself, so bare with me whilst I get into a good flow.  Also, doing something like this, a bit like with my juicing posts - it reminds me to keep it up, holding myself accountable.

I've learnt a lot on the old social media department since starting my business 2 years ago & I have learnt so much from lots of free content over the Internet, especially youtube, youtube nowadays is my TV in all honesty - I'm always on it.  So, being very grateful to those who have shared their content allowing me to learn, grow & develop myself, I thought I may do the same in hopes to inspire someone too.

From a very young age I have always been very passionate about helping people, my first career choice was to be a councilor (Therapist nowadays) - unfortunately, being young & easily influenced into thinking I'm stupid - the career advice woman completely put me off when I excitedly told her what I wanted to do when she pretty much threw her head back & said "pah, that is a LOT of work" so by the end of that conversation, I remember feeling so small & silly - I gave up on that idea & decided that maybe I should do the girly thing & be a beauty therapist/makeup artist... at least I was still helping people.

It's always been in my nature.  I constantly heard growing up aside from being a 'lovely polite girl' that I was 'too sensitive, I think everyone is nice, I'm gullible'.... It's taken me until now to understand that actually, those are quality traits that allow to me to see the world in my own unique way, have compassion & go off my instinct.

We all have our own unique gift of expression & how we deliver things so I will just be myself.

You can expect to see things about how I try to lead as healthy lifestyle as I can.  I will share some of my favourite juice recipes & for those that already follow me, I love to bake & I love to find healthier versions of what I already like so will share some of those recipes too so they will all be in one place. I will obviously be sharing a little about the product I am passionate about but that isn't actually my main focus - my main objective with this is to help people with living a more balanced life so there will also be some hot topics too to discuss.

I feel like I will have to ease people into this, as I've reached my 30's, I've also reached another level of confidence in being more true to myself.  Some people will know this side of me already but a lot of people won't.  I sometimes feel like I'm a bit of an onion - there are lots of layers to me & not everyone gets past the first few :)/

It's great to be in a position where I have the time & flexibility to do the things that interest me most with self development being something I love to continuously work on, so here goes.

Welcome :)

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