Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Bringing the Blog Back

Well, I have revived the blogging again.  I have been talking about it for a while & working on the kind of content I want to have in this blog & what I want to do with it so I hope you enjoy what I share.

I'm nervous but excited about sharing my new content with you, It's a work in progress - bit like myself, so bare with me whilst I get into a good flow.  Also, doing something like this, a bit like with my juicing posts - it reminds me to keep it up, holding myself accountable.

I've learnt a lot on the old social media department since starting my business 2 years ago & I have learnt so much from lots of free content over the Internet, especially youtube, youtube nowadays is my TV in all honesty - I'm always on it.  So, being very grateful to those who have shared their content allowing me to learn, grow & develop myself, I thought I may do the same in hopes to inspire someone too.

From a very young age I have always been very passionate about helping people, my first career choice was to be a councilor (Therapist nowadays) - unfortunately, being young & easily influenced into thinking I'm stupid - the career advice woman completely put me off when I excitedly told her what I wanted to do when she pretty much threw her head back & said "pah, that is a LOT of work" so by the end of that conversation, I remember feeling so small & silly - I gave up on that idea & decided that maybe I should do the girly thing & be a beauty therapist/makeup artist... at least I was still helping people.

It's always been in my nature.  I constantly heard growing up aside from being a 'lovely polite girl' that I was 'too sensitive, I think everyone is nice, I'm gullible'.... It's taken me until now to understand that actually, those are quality traits that allow to me to see the world in my own unique way, have compassion & go off my instinct.

We all have our own unique gift of expression & how we deliver things so I will just be myself.

You can expect to see things about how I try to lead as healthy lifestyle as I can.  I will share some of my favourite juice recipes & for those that already follow me, I love to bake & I love to find healthier versions of what I already like so will share some of those recipes too so they will all be in one place. I will obviously be sharing a little about the product I am passionate about but that isn't actually my main focus - my main objective with this is to help people with living a more balanced life so there will also be some hot topics too to discuss.

I feel like I will have to ease people into this, as I've reached my 30's, I've also reached another level of confidence in being more true to myself.  Some people will know this side of me already but a lot of people won't.  I sometimes feel like I'm a bit of an onion - there are lots of layers to me & not everyone gets past the first few :)/

It's great to be in a position where I have the time & flexibility to do the things that interest me most with self development being something I love to continuously work on, so here goes.

Welcome :)

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